Ananda Sangha to hold a Spiritual Fair on Sunday
At the
fair, many key topics such as Kriya Yoga; The Key to self-transformation;
Energy-key to success; Chakras-Roadmap of self-realization, and Dealing with
Stress and Harmful Emotions' will be the highlights .
The talks
will be delivered by long-term Ananda Sangha practitioners. Each of the
sessions will have an experiential component. The main purpose of this
spiritual fair it to make a meaningful difference in our lives and all sessions
will be addressed in different creative ways.
At the
Spiritual fair, Ananda Sangha will share the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda,
author of the spiritual classic “Autobiography of a Yogi”. Notably, this book
has been published in 40 languages all over the world. Yogananda ji was the
first great Indian master of Yoga to make his home in the west.
Sangha was established by Swami Kriyananda, a direct disciple of
Paramhansa Yogananda ji and Swami ji will share scientific ways to experience
the mystical truths mentioned in the sacred texts of different religions. BW
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